
Comes and Goes (In Waves) - Greg Laswell

Comes and Goes In Waves                                                          随波逐流

                                                   Greg laswell             

This one's for the lonely                                                  这首歌献给孤独的人     

the one's that seek and find                                           那些在人生路上寻寻觅觅

Only to be let down time after time                               却只是一次次失望的人

This one's for the tear down                                           这首歌献给流泪的人

the experts at the fall                                                      一直处于低谷的人

Come on friends get up now                                         朋友振作起来

you're not alone at all                                                    你并不孤独

oh ————                                                                     噢 

And this part was for her                                                这是为了她

Does she remember                                                        她还记得吗

It comes and goes in waves                                            世事无常 来去匆匆

This one's for the faithless                                              这首歌献给那些失去信仰的人

the ones that are surprised                                             那些只对他们身处之地感到惊讶

They're only where they are now                                   却对他们的争斗毫不在意的人

regardless of their fight                                                  倘若只是为了相信

This one's for believing if only for it's sake                   这首歌献给有信仰的人         

Come on friends get up now love is to be made          朋友振作起来 爱需要创造

Oh—————                                                                  噢

This part is for her does she remember                         这是为了她 她还记得吗

It comes and goes in waves                                            世事无常 潮起潮落

I an only led to wonder why                                           我只是在困惑

Why I why I try                                                                 为何 为何我要尝试

This is for the ones who stand                                        这首歌献给那些坚持的人

For the ones they try again                                             那些没有放弃的人

For the ones they need a hand                                      那些需要帮助的人

For the ones they think they can                                   那些相信自己的人

It comes and goes in waves

I am only led to wonder why

Why I why I try



